Just an absolute joy to read. Thank God for Defector and Discourse Blog (and of course How Things Work, Welcome to Hell World, that new Flaming Hydra thing, and all the blogs we've lost along the way.)

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What is this Flaming Hydra thing anyways? I look a look at it, and I don't think I get it any more now than before I looked it up. It's just randomness from all those writers every once in a while, aggregated daily?

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I have no idea!

I think, based on my most fervant hopes and wishes, that it is going to be a " 'zine-y" kind of thing, collecting a bunch of work from disparate places to allow audience access to and from a bunch of different people who might not have that access.

I'm just excited that Roth from Defector, Hamilton Nolan, and Luke O'Neil are going to be publishing in the same place-ish, and their endorsement made it easy for me to sign up to read the other people's work too. Hopefully I'll find some more folks that will rip my heart open four different ways.

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My first and only reaction to reading this article:

Aw. ❤️. [sob]

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Things we unironically love to see.

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