Shameless Promo Alert: Discourse Blog's In a Fancy Magazine!!!!!
Our own Aleks Chan is spreading the gospel of Discourse Blog to the readers of The Nation.

Welcome to Shameless Promo Alert, in which Discourse Blog shamelessly promotes something connected to Discourse Blog.
Hey folks! It’s a representative from your favorite blog here to tell you about that same favorite blog getting featured in another place!
That’s right: The Nation magazine (where, full disclosure, I work when I am not blogging here) has a big splashy issue out that’s all about the state of the media in 2023. Spoiler alert: not great—except for a little thing called, you guessed it…Discourse Blog.
That’s right: we’re in print baby!!!!! Cue the Jeffersons theme: we’re movin’ on up (movin’ on up) to the print side…to a deluxe magazine in the skyyyyy. (It works if you stress the second “a” sound in “magazine,” like so: “mag-UH-zine.”)
It was not my idea to put Discourse Blog in The Nation, but when they asked me if I thought it would be possible, I was like, “uhhh yes duh.” So we got Discourse Blog’s very own Aleks Chan—publisher, Business Knower, raconteur—together with eternal friend of the blog Kelsey McKinney—writer, Podcast Legend, raconteur—from a little site you may have heard of called Defector, and we asked them to write about The Art Of Starting Your Own Media Company Instead Of Having To Deal With Corporate Morons All Your Life.
And, because they are certified blogging geniuses, they turned in a piece that is both very funny and very wise, and will leave you thinking that maybe this old media industry is not the flaming pile of wreckage slowly sinking into the goo that it so often appears to be. Well, not completely, anyway.
I am biased in roughly 5,000,000,000 ways on this one, but it was a true joy to see Kelsey and Aleks in print, and an equal joy to see the wondrous and beautiful treasure that is Discourse Blog get such a splashy platform. (Defector too, natch.) It was also nice to see the two places that give me the money I use to feed and house myself, The Nation and Discourse Blog, join forces.
So please, click the link, read the article, share it with your friends, and let them know to subscribe to Discourse Blog! And also The Nation! If they’re rich and they don’t subscribe to both, they are personally telling me that they hate me, so, y’know.
This has been Shameless Promo Alert.
Just an absolute joy to read. Thank God for Defector and Discourse Blog (and of course How Things Work, Welcome to Hell World, that new Flaming Hydra thing, and all the blogs we've lost along the way.)
My first and only reaction to reading this article:
Aw. ❤️. [sob]