Also, I am furious that the mallard went down early and so the Himalayan monal is now my sworn enemy. And although I don’t hold a grudge against the bald eagle despite it being the avatar of America, I was not surprised it got its ass beaten down.

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Like I could have gone either way on the mallard (I did vote mallard, but see the appeal of the monal)...but to see it so one-sided? devastating.

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100%. I could have handled a close loss, but an icon deserves better.

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I always tell the ducks I see on my walk home that they're cute. But today I'm saying it louder. Justice for the ducks!

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I love that a blog that otherwise throws bombs at the state of the world can find time to highlight these majestic creatures and bring joy and surprise into our lives. Thank you, Discourse Blog, for making me aware that the poofy brilliance of the Bushtit exists. What a cutie!

Seriously, you guys, this rocks.

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Bushtit. Heh heh heh

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Voters’ cardinal sin is a loony one. No way the loon beats the cardinal.

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Always good to see that there can be things online that don’t have to do with war or the survival of our world!

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Speak for yourself Larry, this is war to me dammit :)

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Moment of silence for the green turaco, no one will ever do white eyeliner like this queen.

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Saw it coming, but chinstrap penguin vs great blue heron is seriously out of order. How to choose, how to choose....

Prediction, Kakapo wins all the marbles.

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A classic early round matchup of two heavyweights.

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Voted Tody both out of love for the grumpy little dude and for revenge for the mallard wipeout.

Stellar's jay because go corvids!

Heron versus penguin is rough, but the great blue heron is pretty much a lock for my vote at every step.

Definitely doing a lot of voting by family in this tournament. Already threw votes to Corvidae and Ardeidae, so going with Picidae here and giving the green-barred woodpecker my vote in this very tough call.

Bushtits and emperor penguins are easy calls. Flipped a coin on the last one.

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I'm voting for the Chinstrap Penguins BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY. WE NEED MORE GAY BURDS OUT HERE!

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Emperor penguin to go all the way, with my second illegal vote (thanks democrats) going to chinstrap penguin. Flightless bird gang (metaphorically) rise up and take flight!

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