It is insane to me (not really insane, more just depressing) the amount to which this is a textbook example of just how viciously capitalism fucks everyone over except for a few people. The poor bastards driving the train are fucked over because now they have to live with whatever hazardous shit they got exposed to when the train crashed (and whatever injuries they received, and the (unjustified) guilt that comes from having been The Guys Driving the Train at the time (I am assuming more than one person was on the train, I might be wrong!). The town is, predictably, fucked for the foreseeable - just wait for all the cancer diagnoses to follow all the dead pets and respiratory issues. This is fine by the company, and the government, because hey they probably don't have a lot of money (and to some particularly brain-dead commentariat, hurr they probably voted Trump so they had it coming, durr).

Pete Buttegig is beyond useless - I might submit there has not been a secretary of Transportation overseeing this many fucking disasters and doing NOTHING about it, but that would require me to have ever really fucking known who the fuck the Secretary of Transportation has been in the past! I shouldn't know who the fuck you are if you are the Secretary of Transportation! You should be invisible, because your whole job is to not have to get in front of people and explain why shit isn't working (or if you are Mayor Pete, say nothing for ten whole fucking days and then just quote a company press release)!

Everyone who voted to break the rail strike, which was in part happening because of safety concerns about shit EXACTLY LIKE THIS HAPPENING, can get fucked. Especially anyone still cosplaying as a progressive. Fuck you.

Oh and anyone who relies on like, the Ohio River for drinking water is probably gonna have some fun(?) health problems in their future as this shit continues to wreak havoc on the environment.

Good thing there was another fuckin' train derailment of another fuckin' train carrying hazardous chemicals like two days ago to just really drive the point home!

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Late to the party but fuck me I fucking despise those assholes who do the whole “the voted Trump so they deserved it” thing. Not only does it show that you’re STILL allowing Trump to live rent free inside your heads like a fucking chump, you also showed yourself to be a callous, sociopathic piece of shit who has taken your home team bullshit to the point of it being disgusting.

Speaking of the home team, I do find it particularly interesting how one of the people who coincidentally bailed out of the primary juuuust at the right time to help Biden win the primary got a cushy job. I think that’s called cronyism but since it’s not republicans doing it it’s all hunky dory! Also this is an indictment of how fucking incompetent Mayor Pete is and if anyone thinks he’s fit to do anything, let alone be president, is an idiot.

Fuck every single perpetrator and enabler of this tragedy! They should be the ones cleaning up the mess and have all their money and assets taken away and divided to the people they’ve harmed. And that’s only the bare minimum they should do!

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Who needs Jamestown we got Washingto D.C. regulations to swallow.

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"vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, and ethylene glycol monbutyl [ether]"

I do know what those things mean, and it doesn't give me any comfort.

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