'Former Senior Advisor to Hillary Clinton' should get you laughed out of any respectable room of serious people. AFC Finalist-ass title, fuck the fuck off.

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These folks are not upset about Donald Trump's policies. They are upset that they will not be the one's to enact Donald Trump's policies.

There's a bipartisan push for fascism in this country coming for immigrants and transgender people first, and I've been seeing it live in my deep blue "progressive" city during Biden. Maybe a Republican in the White House means more people fight it?

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I think that their reasoning probably goes like this: First we go for the illegal immigrants, then we go for the trans people, and so on until they have taken most out and instigated as much in-fighting as possible, and then they use drones on the homeless, and just work their way up the ladder for population reduction...They are working overtime to immunize people to these types of things.

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I'm changing my registration to an independent. Not that it'll matter, but I don't want to be associated at all with either political party in this decaying country

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for anyone looking to change their reg: if your state is a closed primary state you will not be allowed to vote in any democratic primary.

just fyi.

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🎯🎯I did that in 2000 after seeing the writing on the wall

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"Democrats just literally attacked everything [Trump] did. We could never agree with anything, never give him credit for anything, could never say, 'Well actually securing the border is a good idea, I just disagree with how he's doing it,'" the lawmaker said.

Aside from the fact that, as Jack pointed out, the Harris campaign literally enacted this clown's proposed strategy, there are two other things about this that make me want to pull my hair out:

1. Trump's policies are generally bad! You should attack them! You should not agree with "deport the brown people" and "give the government control of women's bodies" and "billionaires need more money"!

2. The Republican Party has shown an active disdain for bipartisanship since 2008! If partisanship is such a goddamn problem, why isn't it a problem for them as they've shifted to Tea Party to MAGA to full blown Nazi?

If you're going to be this dumb, at least have the intestinal fortitude to put your name on it.

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“Hey, college kids, if you’re trashing a campus of Columbia University because you aren’t happy about some sort of policy and you’re taking over a university and you’re trashing it and preventing other students from learning, that that is unacceptable.”

"some sort of policy" - Hell of a way to characterize arming and funding a genocide.

Incidentally, one wonders if this soulless ghoul was one of the people clutching their pearls when Rep Omar said "some people did some thing."

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Oh and also fuck Columbia and all Ivies.

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It's nice that Democrats are making the argument that we need a quality third party to represent the Left. Maybe once the Lefties leave the Dems can fulfill their lifelong dream of being the "Principled Conservative" party they so lionize!

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They can’t say what it really is “our economic policy is governed by all the billionaires that let us raise 1 billion, spend 1.12 billion, and still get Molly whopped

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I know this sounds naive but when hearing the campaign was held hostage by BIG LEFT, I sincerely wish every newscaster would ask "What do you mean by that?".

Just like the "They're eating the Dawgs!" line should be pulled apart with mercy, these hucksters should have to explain what exactly they think happened.

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Yes, 100% agree. I think, unfortunately, the only interviewer remotely close to the mainstream who would do that is Mehdi Hasan, but of course these chicken-shits will never allow themselves to be confronted like that.

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Completely delusional party. They got the Wall St.-friendly, donor-approved, moderate Republican campaign they wanted and it failed! Miserably! We're seeing BlueMAGA transform into BlueAnon because of this inability to reckon with why they lost, and that's entirely on them.

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Enough with Clinton advisers. They are the most useless, dead wrong assholes out there. Zero credibility. Cable news loves them because of it.

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Oh, that elephant in the room with the Wailing Wall White House and Emoff-Harris' team with Zyklon Blinken not in the shadows but drenched in blood.

Never will you see that Kushner-Trump LLC is just another variation of the Jewish Money into Politics THEME.

Or, call Jewish people who observe that religion, do the bar and bat mitzvah thing, all of that, just strip them of Judaism and call them Zionists.

Here's the freak you cite:

Reines: A New York City native, he attended the Ramaz School, an independent Modern Orthodox Jewish prep school on the Upper East Side. Reines earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the Columbia University School of General Studies.


Off with our heads, dear Talmudists.


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