Burning fossil fuels = increased C02 immisions = global warming = climate change. The cards have been dealt. I hate to sound fatalistic but our current political system can not/ will nor deal with this reality. Our politicians feed off the fruit of military, fossil fuel, pharmaceutical and health the care industries political contrubutions. They will never bite the folks that feed em. Too many folks are being greased working direcrly or indirectly in these industries. Where lies the hope to change this, I ask you.

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Scientists measured Carbon Dioxide at 424 parts per million this week in Hawaii, another 3 part per million annual increase and the 4th largest annual increase measured. We are still accelerating into climate disaster. We can't even look for the breaks yet because we cannot, literally, get off the gas.

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I live a bit south of DC, and we have been given a Code Maroon warning for air quality this afternoon. I didn't know that color scale went that high.


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