1. It wasn’t okay for us to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Glad we cleared that up Lindsey.

2. He does understand that if Israel were to nuke Gaza, it would almost certainly have some downstream effects on Israel, just from the fallout alone? Like I’m no nuclear scientist but I struggle to see a scenario where this isn’t a cut off your nose to spite your face situation.

3. That whole exchange is just bizarre (to say the least). Graham is ranting about how Israel needs to be given nukes to finish the job and the host is saying well actually we’ve got even better bombs now. So…is she implying Israel should be allowed to finish the job, just with these new “smarter” bombs? Like her rebuttal just doesn’t make sense.

4. As always, a reminder these bloodthirsty ghouls view Palestinians as less than human and a problem to be dealt with. It’s disgusting.

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5. Israel almost definitely already has nuclear weapons. https://armscontrolcenter.org/fact-sheet-israels-nuclear-arsenal/

Point 2 is why there's no chance of Israel using its nuclear weapons on Palestine. A minister that suggested nuking Gaza was quickly suspended back in November https://news.yahoo.com/netanyahu-suspends-israeli-minister-suggested-225919198.html

Point 2 is also why anyone suggesting nuking Palestine is either a complete idiot or Christo-fascist, at least wants to kill of ton of people in Israel in addition to Palestinians

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Let’s bring on the Book of Revelation babyyyyyy

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There's a lot of people watching this war right now, that are wanting Gaza to be flattened with anything big enough to kill lots of people in many democratic countries ..primarily because they have always wanted Gaza to be flattened, and they see this as a good opptunity. Dehumanization doesn't help. Weaponizing the Holocaust doesn't help. Defending Israel's actions in Gaza doesn't help. Israel has a right to defend itself against external threats, but not against the people who live on the land they're occupying domestically doesn't help. Even the War Cabinet isn't helping, with their continually hawkish tone against the people in Gaza.

Both sides are suffering for different reasons, I wish there was a diplomatic way to ask them to grieve together, maybe this is happening already in the diaspora. I also wish my country didn't screw up so much when supporting Israel, and would fix the GAC's Palestinian Refugee Family Separation Program, because that's really just an awful gong show.

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It's all about appealing to the Jewish voters (who are actually largely Democrats) and attempting to lure Muslim hating racists to the GOP and to Trump.

Lindsey Graham is the most pathetic lickspittle in Trump's stable of lackeys.

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I want to get into the performative portion of Lindsey's diatribe.

My wife, who works on the Hill, has been watching/listening (thank you, C-SPAN radio!) to the Sunday morning gasbag shows since the '80s. She was listening to Lindsey's "Nuke 'em 'til they glow!" statements, and started laughing.

Me: What the hell are you laughing at? That's horrible!

Her: Of course it is, but this is all for show. Listen to what he is saying. You can't believe, but he most definitely >doesn't< believe it. I don't know if this is for South Carolina voters...

Me: Not exactly a state that is in play in November...

Her: Hush, I'm not done. It's not for South Carolina voters. It's not for his re-election since he's not up for it this year. So who? It's for two items as best I can tell: Either for keeping/retaining support from AIPAC either for himself personally or for other Repubs, or it's for Trump. Either way, why is Lindsey being so over-the-top? Because bombast and bellicosity is what Trump needs to see as nuance is not Trump's political forté.

Me: Yikes. He's cruising for VP.

Her: I don't think so - Lindsey saw how fast Trump threw Pence overboard/under a bus/choose your metaphor. I think it's more like auditioning for State or Defense.

Me: Yikes.

Her: Stop. There's a one "yike" limit before noon.

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Jeff Jackson (one of the few bright spots of NC politics) has talked a fair amount about the performative outrage from the far right House GOP. I guess there's no reason why that wouldn't apply to the Senate GOP as well.

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Lindsey's been reading a little too much Warhammer 40k lore lately....

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As always, these people read the handmaid’s tale as an instruction booklet and think warhammer (and its ilk) should be a documentary.

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Sure, but let's also remember that Kristin Welker is pretty bad at her job, from what I've heard (my children subject me to Peppa Pig and Bluey on Sunday mornings, so I blessedly am unable to watch the Meet The Press shows).

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Spoiler: anyone on those talking heads show is bad at their job. That’s why they’re hosting the shows.

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Lindsey's lost his marbles 🥴

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Crazy rabid dogs Congress be, every last one of these son a bitches should be put away. The wrong folks are in jail. Free the oppressed and oppress the oppressors. Graham what a loony tune he be. But Netanyahu is loonier WTF!

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US Mass media is going to go full fascist without even being asked.

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It was not only perfectly fine for us to nuke Hiroshima & Nagasaki, but you dimbulb revisionists just can't face the fact that it saved a million GIs from dying & saved at least 10 million Japanese from dying.

Japan was never going to surrender, they were led by a group of utterly insane warlords who were determined to have every single Japanese person die, for the greater glory of Japan.

Even after the bombing of Nagasaki, when some junior officers learned of the emperor's so-called surrender speech, they attempted to intercept the disc he recorded it on as it was being taken from his palace to the NHK broadcasting studios to be played. Luckily, they failed.

And for your information, the invasion would have dwarfed D-Day by a factor of at least five & the generals had planned to ask Truman for permission to ignore the Geneva Conventions & use poison gas to lessen US casualties!

The captured German nuclear scientists didn't believe we could build the A-bombs, because they had failed at it. Japan had also tried & failed at it. Only Uncle Sam had the resources to do so at that time. And no one else had plutonium, which is what the Trinity test bomb was built from & the Nagasaki bomb was, along with the third bomb that was never used & next ten that were going to be ready by October, 1945.

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"When we were faced with destruction as a nation after Pearl Harbor...we decided to end the war by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons."

Were we, Lindsey? Japan wasn't trying to eliminate us, just cripple our military capability so they could seize oil production to continue their war effort after we cut them off. Germany you could maybe make a case that we were next on their list after conquering Europe (assuming they could), but crossing an entire ocean with an invasion force to existentially threaten the United States would've been a tall order for either nation, even at the height of their powers. Our allies certainly faced destruction, but we were fairly insulated.

To then take that faulty premise and draw a direct line to dropping the bombs is even more absurd- by the time we reached that point, Germany was defeated and Japan effectively was, it was just a matter of how it would end: they were effectively confined to their islands and posed no realistic threat to our nation. Surely not what he intended, but that does contain some parallels to the current situation- regardless of Hamas's rhetoric, they lack the capability to end Israel's existence.

Dropping the bomb was ostensibly about "ending the war", which Israel seems uninterested in, and in a fashion that theoretically could save more lives than it took (we already killed many civilians through firebombing campaigns and those would've continued, a ground invasion would've resulted in many dead, and even the most "humane" option, a blockade, would've resulted in death by starvation of who knows how many civilians before the government capitulated), which again, Israel seems uninterested in.

The only part of nuking Gaza that would be in keeping with our use of atomic weapons would be the secondary factor: sending a message. We wanted the world to know that we could do it and we would do it. That would be a more intellectually honest tack for him to take: he wants Israel to do it to show all the other nations in the Middle East that either Israel gets what it wants or they will deploy the most devastating weapon created by humankind, not out of any "need", but because they can and they will.

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You know, when you take a moment to step outside of your echo chamber, like I did when I was an anti-war leftist, you will begin to realize everything you thought you knew about the world was wrong. When you're young, you think you know everything about anything that if the world simply worked the way you want it to, all the adults will listen. I naively thought that way when I was a know-it-all anti-war teenager twenty years ago. But then, eventually, cold reality splashes your face, ripping you out of Never Neverland, and before you know it, reality sinks in: History can't be rewritten, it just is what it is.

Take the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Have you ever asked anyone who had first hand experience about the situation involving Japan in WWII, like a WWII veteran? (The clock's ticking, by the way, if you want to ask those veterans what it was like.) Yes, Japan is a close ally now, but that doesn't erase the history of their military's war crimes, which included the use of sexual assault, particularly rape, against Chinese women. If the US was so hellbent on commiting genocide against the Japanese, then why didn't they drop the nuclear bombs on densely populated areas like Tokyo or Osaka? Hiroshima and Nagasaki were specifically targeted because they were military targets (meaning they had bases with soldiers and fire power), and the Allied forces knew a prolonged war with Japan would have cost millions of more Japanese lives than what was ultimately done with the dropping of the bombs. (And yes, I've seen Grave Of The Fireflies and Godzilla Minus One, but it still doesn't change my opinion that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a necessary evil to commit for the greater good.)

All I can say is: Thank God social media wasn't around during WWII, otherwise we'd be still be litigating the so-called atrocities committed by the Allied powers right now in German.

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Even assuming your assessment of Hiroshima/Nagasaki are correct (which, I think is fair to say, is debatable at a minimum), that doesn't in any way justify nuking Gaza.

Which is kinda the whole point here.

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Why the hell hasn't Biden said a word about this utterly vile GOP willingness to commit genocide? Hasn't the US already done enough to the Palestinians?

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