The thing I'm stuck on is the idea that I should just drop a taco on the ground. DROP a TACO? In this economy?

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That’s some STRONG anti-Latinx subtext.

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a reason why (there are mulitple!) why this ad is such a clunker is because it's trying SO HARD to push this 'no compromise' brand for a Nissan Sentra, which is the car you settle for when you can't afford a Honda Civic or Toyota Camry. No amount of Marvel can change that.

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and it's not even a Camry-equivalent, it's a Corolla-equivalent

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This is the kind of content that I am here for. Who the fuck is watching this ad and feeling Nissan's intended feelings? Maybe I don't understand because I'm a cis male, but is there a single woman on the planet who watched this ad and was like, "FUCK yeah, Nissan, you GET me!"

Also, does Sam Elliot narrate every single ad for every single truck ever manufactured? I drive a pickup truck for practical reasons, but mine as a Bernie sticker on it. Am I asking for it to be vandalized by drivers of bigger trucks?

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LOL why have I never clocked that its Sam Elliot, of course it is!!! Also I would read a blog about how the left is infiltrating their local big truck blocs.

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Have you seen https://instagram.com/truckslutsmag ?

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it's private but love to see the tag 𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓 𝖌𝖆𝖘 & 𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖘𝖘

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Excellent blog, but that commercial made me mad? I think I need to take a walk or a gummy.

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both sound like ideal solutions!!

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What really bothers me about it is we don't get to see Alyssa's character tell off her boss for passing her over.

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This ad is straight-up bonkers, and also somehow everywhere for me as well.

The TV ad I've been seeing a lot lately that is melting my brain is one where, during a Zoom school lesson, a young girl describes her mother's job as "time traveling in a rocket ship" and bringing back advice to help everyone "feel less worried," and... well, you've just gotta watch it.


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what in the everliving fuck did I just watch????? I'm sorry get me off this planet

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the kid leaning in at the end and going "she is!" ok, I'm going to bed

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I'm in Los Angeles and I think I remember this being filmed in Downtown, but man, the locations of this are wild. They're outside the CalTrans building with the tacos, then heading east six blocks south, then somehow eight blocks north driving around Bunker hill, then the taco person gets out of the car like seven blocks away from the Cal Trans Building. C'mon, get some continuity of geography here!

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This reminded me of a keeping up with the kontinuity errors blog, thank you

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I know it's super pedantic, but like, I worked around the corner from this, I can't help but notice the issues.

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I appreciate this detective work! Your comment made me wonder how many different blocks they had to shut down to film this and for how long, but I thought on it and decided that anything more than zero is too many.

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The backup camera is how laser lady found tony stark

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Nobody's brain works at full capacity on a Friday, anyway. If you could read my mind right now all you'd hear is the Mario 64 wahoo noise.

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I'd love to see the comments if this could still be cross-posted to Jalopnik.

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:-) kind of u

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Hell yeah this post. My five year old asked me why she said “drop the taco” six or seven times, and I have no answer

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this kid gets it

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I’m bad with celebs and was simply wondering why someone would cast Jennifer Lawrence’s sister for a commercial.

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I’m not sure why I got the post notification for this on Sunday rather than Friday and am sad that I missed out on The Discourse.

But I’m consoled by the fact that, @Samantha, I think we’re watching all the same shit because THIS COMMERCIAL IS PART OF ME NOW and I hate it!!!

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This blog was posted only to the website on Friday and just got emailed out to everyone now — don’t worry the discourse is still alive!

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Bless The Discourse. I completely assumed it was me/my email tbh

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Lauren part of me wonders if my demographic data has been clocked???? Like I am a mid-to-late-20s working woman, whose google searches span the spectrum of escapism, could it be that there are so many similar people that this commercial was made for us??????

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That all tracks!!

Which means that a bunch of people at some award-winning agency got together and decided that THIS is the commercial that will make us want to buy THIS car. Which is... unsettling...

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Ok I’ll bite.

::watches ad::

Damn you.

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I do not know who Brie Larson is, but I do know and adore Alyssa's vids on Twitter and I'm super-happy that she's getting gigs but I'm trying to peer into the soul of somebody who saw her previous work, cast her for this commercial, and utilized her this poorly. And when I peer into that soul I just see a blank emptiness.

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I also want to live in a world where I only know alyssa..... where do I find that world.......

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lol I just watched that for the first time now and what the fuck????? honestly shocked people get paid big money to make commercials this bad

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