I've voted in every presidential election since 96 and I'm sitting out this one. I'll vote on some local elections that are pertinent to my job, but the democrats have lost me.

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before anyone responds to this comment, a reminder of Discourse Blog's vote-shaming policy: https://www.discourseblog.com/p/welcome-to-the-vote-joe-biden-you

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Fair enough. Biden hasn't really earned our votes. I myself want to be counted among those who voted against Trump. But I can't invest much more emotional and intellectual effort into a party that is in danger of losing the Electoral College vote to Trump for a record second time. I think I can speak for many here that 9 months before the election, I am already deflated and exhausted by all of this.

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I'm planning on doing the same: undervoting President, in a state that's not in play anyway so it truly doesn't matter. The non-duopoly candidates are not serious and are a waste of time. The only one I might consider voting for is the PSL slate

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Please don't take this as shaming, because I'm trying to be earnest here. There's no other candidate that has earned your vote? Obviously not Trump or, in your case, Biden, but there's got to be some minor-party candidate that reflects your views better than the two major-party ones.

Also, hopefully there's a House rep or Senae candidate that you could vote in to push the process more. It's not just the Presidency.

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I'm sitting it out too. No other candidate is a credible alternative, and I'm tired of pissing in the wind.

Definitely I will vote for decent down-ballot candidates and fortunately my Democratic representative, Lloyd Doggett, is worth voting for.

Instead of voting, I'm doing everything I can think of to slow down this genocide. This week I'm writing all the ambassadors of countries that colluded with the US in cutting UNRWA funds right after the ICJ order for Israel to allow more aid. I spent hours writing the most persuasive letter in the wind. [Cheers to Spain, who TRIPLED its UNRWA aid; and to the five other countries who didn't go along with it; Belgium's building got bombed in revenge.]

That's probably pissing in the wind too, but even if it's a long shot it beats voting for West (whom I used to admire but I now think is a non-serious narcissist after his antics this year) or Stein. For me. I'm fine with those who evaluate it differently and choose to vote for them. I also even understand those who go on and vote for Biden on various grounds. But I can't, after genocide and now this cruel immigration bill he's pushing.

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Not really. Due to the districts I live in my federal and state senators/representatives are pretty mediocre or outright horrible. The local elections are relevant to my job and I'll vote for that and leave the rest of the ballot blank. The state I live in is solid red so my presidential vote is meaningless anyway. But at least I will know I didn't vote for a person that has helped the Israel genocide.

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Yes. I feel SICK now that I voted for Biden in 2020 even though in a red state it didn't make a difference. Really really SICK.

Never doing that again with someone I knew had horrible flaws even at the time.

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Not in DC there isn't. My vote doesn't matter, because Joe Biden has spent his entire political career making sure it wouldn't. I guess he now gets to reap the benefits of me not voting for him this time!

And no, the local elections don't matter here either. The local change we do elect people to make gets overturned by the federal government.

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He said he's voting he's just not voting for President. At least read the comment first

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Remember when Clinton compared wanting a sane healthcare system to wanting a pony? Now they are acting like not being okay with our own money being used to kill tens of thousands of people is the same thing. and really, how could trump give netanyahu _more_ of a free hand? hold his dick for him while he pees?

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Nah. He'll be too busy doing that for Kim Jong Un.

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It's amazing that a freshman senator, who had a DRESS CODE changed, because he was UNCOMFORTABLE thinks he's not actually a clown. What Fetterman seems to forget are two things: Trump's base, and lackeys, are extremely antisemitic; and, Trump is a legitimate target for Iran in response to Soleimani (I'm sure the west has forgotten about that ill-advised assassination). It wouldn't take much to prod a massive attack on Tel Aviv if it was seen as striking back at the Trump administration.

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Being antisemitic and being Zionist are actually not mutually exclusive

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Very true, just look at israel itself..

But nuance for the bigots in Trump's array isn't always there.

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Look, Biden's position on this is annoying, but he's so ossified by this point that he's not going to start doing 180s on stuff he's believed his whole dang life (abortion aside). But Fetterman's the one that really disappoints me. I know he's still consistent with what he's been telling us since the beginning, but god damn it man maybe don't tank your Senate career before it's only two years old. You're not going to be going up against a TV doctor every election cycle, genius.

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I would have tremendous respect for Biden, or almost any politician, who answered with "Fuck Off" to a question. More profanity in politics please & thank you.

To the larger matter at hand - I think this shows yet again why having a gerontocracy is just an awful idea.

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