Jul 3Liked by Jack Crosbie

"There is no America, just a complicated system of PR and political logistics that allows a very small cabal of bureaucrats to fight over control of the world’s most deadly compilation of Excel spreadsheets." The country, it is bad, but the Discourse, it is so very good.

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“The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie.”

Etc., etc.

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Does anyone believe otherwise? There is no “essential” America, where a singularly great leader, knowing all of the collective truths of every aspect of a vast and complex and technologically advancing society can fix everything on his or her own, and then somehow individually negotiate the maddeningly various experiences of 300 million people. That America has never existed, and it never will.

That’s actually the America that the MAGA fucks want—a “great leader” who says “I alone can fix it,” and who has been given carte blanche to “fix” whatever the fuck “it” is that’s “broken.”

Biden is clearly not up to the task of the hubristic claim that “he alone can fix it,” but that’s ALWAYS been the case: NO ONE CAN FIX ANYTHING ALONE, and in a country as fucking schizoid as ours, it REQUIRES spreadsheets and bureaucratic negotiation and a shared sense of the value of ALL human life.

Biden (and his many, many, MANY aides!) have shown that they give a shit about humans, regardless of their gender or identity, and those of us who also actually give a shit about other humans should be a little more clear-eyed about the fact that the presidency is a TEAM effort, and the team Biden has is exactly one shit-ton more appealing than the gathering of ghouls that are hovering over Trump’s demented head.

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"Biden (and his many, many, MANY aides!) have shown that they give a shit about humans" is a strange thing to say while Joe Biden is funding a genocide. Palestinians are humans, after all, but Democrats don't seem to give a shit about them. Just like they don't seem to give a fuck about the working poor and have absolutely nothing to offer them in exchange for their vote. These don't seem like the actions of a political party that has to win an election in November. It's bizarre that Democrats don't think they have to do anything to earn votes from the electorate, and that they think people owe them their votes because "Trump is bad". Yes. Trump is bad. You still need to earn votes to beat him. This bullshit where the Dems have no ideology at work besides "let's just be Republicans but slightly less shitty" is a proven loser, yet it's all they ever seem to be working with.

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Ugh, I remember trump saying in 2016 that only he alone could fix it and I immediately thought of Immortan Joe. Which is incidental, because if he wins again, we'll probably run a higher risk of running out of water...

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Jul 3Liked by Jack Crosbie

Brutal, Jack. And 100% correct, what you wrote.

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I had an idea. Biden doesn't have a good speech writer, which is another one of this White House's many weaknesses. Biden could rally this nation in a televised speech. He could pass the baton to Harris. He could resign and say, "I don't have the strength to defeat Donald Trump. But you know who does? YOU do. You do, America. STOP him." Dramatic? Sure. But's better than what we have right now, which is an unfit president who is unable to mount a comeback, unable to claw back to 50% approval, and frankly, unable to campaign.

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We also cannot ignore the practicalities...no one (but Kamala) can receive Biden/Harris campaign funds and it's a little late to replace the delegates and their pledges. Also, we have (or hopefully will have) the vice president prepared for a collapse into senility. I'm also not convinced that poll numbers will tank... there hasn't been a plunge so far. To bet on an unknown horse seems the greater risk toward the unthinkable. Have to disagree, my dear son.

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My parents are both older than Biden and still sharp thinkers and active movers. I look at Sen. Sanders and he's in the same boat. Some folks are just lucky that way.

Biden isn't blessed in that area. I wouldn't be surprised if his aneurysms in the late 80s played an initial role in this. Regardless, I'm tired of the gaslighting and hysteria. He isn't fit. He's too arrogant to recognize this. He's still Joe Biden after all, and bless his heart.

That the Dems would try to play the same game that the GOP did in running Reagan for a second term is just too typical of them now, damn it.

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There is a fountain of concern over the performance on a debate. Not interested in throwing those spreadsheets to the fascists, or to the winds.

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Speaking of grace, have you considered leaving Substack?

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I think Joe Biden has done wonderful things as President and has been an overall force for good in the past four years (your mileage concerning Gaza may vary). I also think it's the height of Boomer arrogance to continue to assume that only their generation knows what's best for everyone and to refuse to gracefully step aside so that literally any other generation can have a go at things.

It's possible to hold both thoughts at once.

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I read that tweet as saying the care he's receiving is excessive and not something we'd expect from our own families, much less the voting public. I don't know Lisa Lucas, though.

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