Remember when the New York Times was fake news because it was too liberal? I still can't believe that was ever a thing.

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you are either a white supremist or not. White is right; that's what's going on here at the maroscopic level. -white dominance. Here , in Europe, in Isreal in Australia and and beyoud.

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For years the defense of the NYT (and WaPo and other legacy broadsheets) was “sure the OpEd page is staffed by beshitted morons but hey they’re doing important news work.” But increasingly their NeWs AnAlYsIs is just disgusting nonsense like this. So again I ask, why ever give these rags any attention?

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Why can't you simply follow the rules, Jack?

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sry i am too REBELLIOUS for your conformist tastes man

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You have Gone Woke, sir!

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