The vice president has been saying, and doing, the exact same things as her boss.
Her meeting with Bibi: "Frank and cordial exchange of views"...translation: "No worries, mate, I'm gonna give you everything you want, but let's play it cool for the media and my campaign."
here here
All the sick pandering without Biden's hilariously blatant lust for Zionist approval. Eugh.
People think she's going to change Foreign Policy on Israel. I really hope she does.
Her meeting with Bibi: "Frank and cordial exchange of views"...translation: "No worries, mate, I'm gonna give you everything you want, but let's play it cool for the media and my campaign."
here here
All the sick pandering without Biden's hilariously blatant lust for Zionist approval. Eugh.
People think she's going to change Foreign Policy on Israel. I really hope she does.