Remember when people were smugly joking about how Republicans were killing their constituents by downplaying COVID?

I understand not listing including this in the list of things the Biden administration has done to ignore COVID, but some localities & institutions are banning masks. The amount of pretending COVID is over because the ultra-wealthy can afford to routinely test & get immediate access to anti-virals if they ever test positive is infuriating.

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I have never contracted COVID and I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's because I'm ultra careful, or maybe one of the chronic diseases I have is killing COVID before it infects me. ...then again, it could be the autism. Public health has basically died in Canada too, it's more like, "You figure out your own risk." Can you imagine if they did this with actual healthcare? "Yeah, you have to figure out your own risk of taking chemo, I don't know anything about that." says the oncologist.

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See my reply to Jasmine above. You might be lucky, too!

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“Figure it out” while the provinces shut down all of the public health statistics regarding frequency, spread, and wastewater data, eh? As Pharoah said, “let them make bricks without straw” now they tell us to calculate our own risk without data …

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Can you imagine going to an oncologist and having them say, "Eh, you want radiation? You figure out your own risk." If we won't put up with it from medical specialists, why are we putting up with it from public health? Public Health is what keeps the society safe from contagion and other forms of diseases.

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I've not caught Covid. I'm current on my vaccines and I always 😷 in public. I worked in a nursing home in 2020 and I was terrified of catching it and tracking it in. Unfortunately, many of my co-workers didn't care and after a round of testing 10 of my co-workers tested positive😕 as did 5 of the residents😢 I continue to avoid crowded places and restaurants.

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You could be one of the lucky ones. I just heard a gene having to do with the nasal passage has been isolated. Those who have this gene don’t get covid — it seems to make them immune.

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Political expedience uber alles …

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I'll be honest - even as a hospital employee who has seen cases rising dramatically over the last few months, I didn't think about a surge linked to the DNC. Shame on me, I suppose...

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Also does anyone know if there was a surge in Milwaukee following the RNC?

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