The local debates between the two were putrid, especially in a time when we would hope that to reasoned candidates on the left could do better. Kennedy making low blow pot shots that Markey doesn't are about people of color because he didn't do enough for these two families. Markey, trying to counter the point by saying "But, I wrote t…
The local debates between the two were putrid, especially in a time when we would hope that to reasoned candidates on the left could do better. Kennedy making low blow pot shots that Markey doesn't are about people of color because he didn't do enough for these two families. Markey, trying to counter the point by saying "But, I wrote two letters!" Markey has a track record of voting for progressive policies, but also a track record of being the guy who grabs onto the coattails of others and hollering "See! Look, I'm relevant" without actually amassing the power and influence to make it happen. And that's after FORTY FREAKIN' FOUR YEARS. Which is gross. Kennedy's just as gross. The familial political dynasties have always seemed antithetical to the democratic ideals of America, even if they have been present since its founding. The Kennedy's are a much a part of that as any other family with scandals by the score to show just how corrupting that power can be. I can't wait to see what the Trump spawn will do to this country for decades to come. Frankly it's race that got too much attention, because both candidates seem radical left compared to some of the legit extreme right wing psychos that keep bubbling to the surface, even here in Peoples Republic of Massachusetts (sarcasm). Regardless, I want the media age of Congress (~60) to start looking like the median age of the U.S. population (~39) and I vote accordingly.
The local debates between the two were putrid, especially in a time when we would hope that to reasoned candidates on the left could do better. Kennedy making low blow pot shots that Markey doesn't are about people of color because he didn't do enough for these two families. Markey, trying to counter the point by saying "But, I wrote two letters!" Markey has a track record of voting for progressive policies, but also a track record of being the guy who grabs onto the coattails of others and hollering "See! Look, I'm relevant" without actually amassing the power and influence to make it happen. And that's after FORTY FREAKIN' FOUR YEARS. Which is gross. Kennedy's just as gross. The familial political dynasties have always seemed antithetical to the democratic ideals of America, even if they have been present since its founding. The Kennedy's are a much a part of that as any other family with scandals by the score to show just how corrupting that power can be. I can't wait to see what the Trump spawn will do to this country for decades to come. Frankly it's race that got too much attention, because both candidates seem radical left compared to some of the legit extreme right wing psychos that keep bubbling to the surface, even here in Peoples Republic of Massachusetts (sarcasm). Regardless, I want the media age of Congress (~60) to start looking like the median age of the U.S. population (~39) and I vote accordingly.