Democrats aren't going to do anything but fundraise off this. There will be no reproductive rights for a lot of the country

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Excuse me but I’ve been assured kween pelosi is both furious AND sick to her stomach. Surely forthright action will follow.

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The poor dear may be furious and sick to her stomach but that didn’t stop her for sending out a “please, please, please help save abortion rights by donating money to me by midnight today” email about an hour after the ruling was released.

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Thank you for ending the article with a couple of softball questions. It made me feel better to see some questions I can answer after all of the tough questions that I have no clue on.

"Are the Democrats going to do anything to legalize abortion federally — or legalize gay marriage federally, for that matter — before November? Or are they doing to tell me again that it’s my responsibility to vote for them in November so that they’ll legalize abortion and gay marriage?" - Absolutely not.

"And if I do vote for them, are they actually gonna have the ability to pass these things, or will it be too late by then? Are they wasting their time?" - Doesn't matter. Even if they keep the trifecta they won't do anything.

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To your last point about moving I see a lot of bad faith people online saying “oh why don’t you just move to a state that has legal abortion”.

As if we’re all well-resourced white people with easy job prospects great credit and lots of money to burn moving.

It’s fucking disgusting.

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I agree about the ridiculous and disgusting comment of “oh why don’t you just move….” but with one quibble. I am a white person, a veteran who lives on my disability who would love to leave crimson red, hateful Indiana for a state that actually cares about those who live there but alas, I am not well-resourced, don’t have easy job prospects (these pesky military caused disabilities can be a barrier to employment no matter what the law (hahahahaha!) says and I am so not rolling in dough. (I am saving up to move. Been working on it for several years & am almost there. The next goal will be finding a decent place to rent.)

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Great words, Cait. They are inspiring for me in this time of anger, disbelief, sadness and helplessness. Women rights cannot be taken away again. This cannot prevail.

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Hi, Kathleen! I actually wrote this, but Caitlin had written another blog on abortion later that week. Thanks for reading!

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Excellent questionnaire. I'm tempted to copy and modify it such that I (a white man) could send it to state and federal political representatives (without implicating you, of course).

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Looks like we may have to start an underground railroad to California and Illinois.

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Yes. You are wasting your time living in Texas.

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Like really if the Democrats can’t convince 50 senators to at least carve out the filibuster just for this, pass it, and then dare Republicans to reverse it if/when the republicans get a trifecta again, isn’t it fucking worth it? Isn’t it worth saving people’s lives in the meantime even if Republicans overturn it again? Why the fuck are they so afraid of getting rid of the filibuster republicans don’t even want to pass any legislation anyway they get everything they want through the courts.

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