Just popping in to give a blanket reply: I love all these birds!!!! Thank you so much.

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for sheer bird nerdery and the fact that I often see it in my back yard in NC, I nominate the Northern Flicker. What a beautiful bird. I can't get enough of it.

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First, thank you for the bird list.

Second, a nomination. Ladies and gentlemen: BOWERBIRD - https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/bowerbird

The male bowerbird is the lonely emo art student of bird high school. He makes his cool bowers to find a mate, but the chad bowerbird is always coming around to wreck the place and hoard the ladies.

All bowerbirds are pretty awesome, my favorites are the Vogelkop Bowerbird (because this bbc video is good - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1zmfTr2d4c&ab_channel=BBC) and the satin bowerbird (because I feel bad for this poor guy, he tried so hard! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkZQlaZUM38&ab_channel=CornellLabofOrnithology).

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just want to drop the sick as hell Rhinoceros Auklet!!!

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I enjoy seeing Bewick’s Wrens, Brown Thrashers, Cardinals and the Tufted Titmouse.

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Hello! May I suggest the ludicrously named "Resplendent Quetzal", which I was fortunate enough to see in the inland Costa Rican rainforest but not, sadly, fortunate enough to photograph? Also, the Greater Sage Grouse, which is also kind of the moob bird and deserves greater environmental protection.

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