I still say we need more eagle representation. White-tailed, golden, Eastern imperial (unfortunate name aside)—they’re all great.

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I was riding my bike today. It was a little downhill, so I was going about 25mph. I startled a hawk off of a telephone pole next to the road. It then glided alongside me (not super close at all, but parallel) for about a quarter mile. That’s the bird I think you should write about (I do not know what specific kind of hawk it was)

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I am planning a birding trip to Costa Rica (!!), and in the course of my research I learned about a bird called a Tiny Hawk which is simply, a very small hawk. I suppose another person's google might have suggested "Tony Hawk" when looking for information about the Tiny Hawk, but not mine. Mine knows I want to learn about this wee hawk that hunts hummingbirds and bats and is the size of a starling. He's just a little guy! He's a tiny hawk!

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Fairy wrens?

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I would once again like to submit the Greater Sagegrouse.

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I'm a simple man, with simple tastes. I'm fine with basic backyard bird - cardinals, any/all sparrows, random wrens, woodpeckers (downy, hairy, red-bellied) and flickers, even mourning doves - the absolute opposite of my last bird suggestion, the cassowary, which brings fear to the hearts of Australians (take that how you need to).

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Stellers Jay

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One vote for the pileated woodpecker! They are shy, but loud! If you’ve heard a call in a North American forest that sounds like a monkey, it’s probably a pileated. Here are some real cuties: https://youtu.be/LeJEqtDZt7g

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