It’s cliche as hell at this point and maybe a smidge defeatist, but if this had come out in February or w/e the reaction still would have been the typical “I’d like to see Ol’ Donny Trump wiggle his way out of this jam!” thing and it would have blown over quickly. Which is of course what will happen with the Woodward story itself, because this country has the collective attention span of a goldfish.

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We knew this. We knew this in February. We knew this in March. In April. In May. In June. In July. In August. You knew this. This isn't anything new. It was evident from day 1 and we didn't need Bob Woodward to confirm it to us. If this came out even in March...we would have said 'Duh'. If this came out in April, May, June, July, August...we would have said 'Duh'. Its something we all knew. No one paying any sort of attention doubted this.

If he came out with it at any point in time the reaction from anyone intelligent would have been, 'Yes and?'. Because we all fucking knew this at the same level we know water is fucking wet. Its not the revelation you think it is to people with functioning brains.

If it came out immediately, or shortly there after, Trump would have fucking spun it. And you god damn know thats true. It would have been buried. And the people that need to hear it now would have already dismissed it. The democrats in office wouldn't have done shit and we all know it. It took years to get Pelosi to even consider impeachment despite the mountains of evidence. Even then they failed. What do you honestly expect would have happened?

But its all coming out now, just before the election. After months of Trump bullshiting and saying the exact opposite of what Woodward is reporting on tape. Its all there. In March spin could have been done and no one would remember it. These are things those of us against trump have known from day 1. By now no one would remember that shit.

But again...its coming out now. With months of Trumps statements in the rear view. Everyone has history to look at, the numbers to look at. Only the absolute diehards that would never ever change their stance can deny what happened regardless of whatever spin is put on. And it comes right before the election.

Bob Woodward handed us a win, right before the election and you're telling him to fuck off and thats fucking stupid.

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"We knew" what, exactly? In January, February, March, I actually didn't know whether COVID would end up being worse than the seasonal flu. I didn't know how big a danger aerosol transmission was. And even as answers to both of those questions became clear, I didn't know that Trump's public statements to the contrary were contemporaneously contradicting the information he was receiving publicly.

It is a little weird to portray this is as information that ALWAYS would have been greeted with a shrug because it would only have been confirming something we always already knew, but at the same time a bombshell piece of news that needed to be saved until just before the election to have maximum impact (as to that point, this revelation is coming out earlier than the Access Hollywood tape in 2016, so not sure it will be the game changer you seem to think it will be). Also, even if you assume that the timing of the revelation represents a "win" for people who want Joe Biden to be elected, I'm not sure handing Democrats a win is, or should be, Bob Woodward's goal. Probably if the president is saying things publicly that are different than what he is saying privately, and that contradiction is costing people lives, it is probably incumbent on people who have information about that contradiction to reveal it publicly. Put another way, the people who are upset with Woodward might be doing a thing where they prioritize "informing the public and possibly saving lives" over "marginally improving Biden's chances at winning the election."

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Access media at its finest, people.

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Gotta say, the media reaction to this "shocking news" is weird. Why did we need Bob Woodward to tell the media what has been plainly evident and widely reported? The overhyped reaction across the media landscape seems to be a mix of Boomer nostalgia for "the guy who brought down a president" and just plain old groupthink.

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Also it coulda been woodward, but I don't wanna tar him unless I'm sure.

It was a known fact that Nixon ordered the Watergate break in but the story at the time was it was his underlings acting on their own initiative. The news media didn't release that part cause they figured it wouldn't be seemly to gang up on a guy and kick him when he's down.

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I think the main issue is, and I'm guilty of this too, Trump is such a fucking. moron. that it's honestly easier to believe he doesn't understand a word his medical advisors say to him, and just parrots whatever conspiracy theory he sees on Fox News or Don Jr. shares from whatever Q subreddit he's trawling. Also the idea that he has a firm grasp between reality and fiction, I wouldn't have bet on.

That he was not only capable of understanding it, told a deliberate lie, and also remembered after the fact what was true and what was false well enough to explain it to a third party? That's less soupy than I honestly would have given his brain credit for. It's like when you realize your toddler just told their first conscious lie, but in Benjamin Button reverse.

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This is such a dark and accurate picture of why the media landscape is such garbage.

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all about those book sales, baby

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There's already no coming back.

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It does not surprise me to think that Trump sleeps just fine at night - he's never displayed anything even remotely like humanity and he wouldn't start now - but I do wonder how the fuck Woodward could sit on this shit for months - months where the death toll skyrocketed and we watched bad decision after bad decision in horror - and think it was even remotely the right thing to do.

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No Good Billionaires, No Good Boomers

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I'm interested in how Trump can be totally coherent in a personal, if on-the-record, conversation with Woodward and then incoherent in public forums. My thought is that in public conversation, he feels a greater need to impress. His instinct is to hyperbole to be impressive, and he's not particularly gifted at artful bullshitting. In personal moments, when he has a single interlocutor, he can focus more. This tracks with the numerous stories, even from Trump foes, that he can be quite charming in person.

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It’s amazing how the proverbial elephant in the room has thus far not been blasted out nonstop by everyone. Lives could’ve been saved. Instead Woodward decides to withhold that important information in order to create a “big picture,” which sounds both idiotic and devious the more I try to make sense of the logic.

The worst part is how those with Trump Derangement Syndrome (or Tertiary Syphilis) describe this as some gotcha moment or smoking gun while completely ignoring the fact the bullet was fired long ago and the damage is done and still going! There’s no way to save traditional journalism if that’s considered “integrity.”

Sorry for the rant. It’s been on my mind for awhile and needed the catharsis the venting provides.

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Woodward is a republican, it is not at all surprising that he sat on this

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Keep Calm and Burn It To The Ground

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If this “shocking revelation” changes nothing now, why would it change anything back then?

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Wise words. No one with any sort of power or platform should even try do good by anyone else, when on the other hand they can enrich themselves. And we lack the right to even expect it of them anyone who criticises the state of affairs is an idiot and clod.

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Is Trump going to ramp up expensive testing and tracing now that audio is out there? Nope.

People who say he should’ve reported it because it would have changed something or saved lives are idiots and clods. He should have reported just because it’s a moral obligation, not because it would have made a world of difference as some pundits are saying. Trump will continue to be an asshole no matter how many access Hollywood or Woodward or pee tapes come out. Also, would you expect republicans to remove him during impeachment over this? I think not.

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If famous author, journalist and millionaire Bob Woodward didn't say anything about the president's foreknowledge and deliberate downplaying of the danger and that's no big deal cause it wouldn't affect anything...

What's the point of a miscellaneous motherfuck like you bleating about it on a minor lefty newsblog?

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Baby, it is a big deal Woodward didn’t say shit.

What’s the point of you putting words in my mouth that I didn’t say to justify your endless bullshit posting?

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You're asking why say anything if nothing will change. I'm asking what you think you're changing.

Also, people have trouble with this but you remember all that 'normalizing' shit you weren't supposed to be doing back in 2017.

Giving a journalist a pass on covering up knowledge the president was knowingly killing hundreds of thousands for no reason so he can make money on the deal because the libs won't hold him accountable is pretty much that.

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No one needs your permission to be mad at woodward. No one needs to convince you.

If it's not obvious what the difference is, maybe don't open your mouth, because it's obvious to everyone else in the room

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On national television trump called the coronavirus pandemic a hoax while he was telling Woodward how dangerous it was. The media would rather downplay the facts that have resulted in the death of 200,000 and blame journalist Bob Woodward rather than the murderer. It's noteworthy to point out the sound of crickets while the US press watches actual journalist Julian Assange's extradition hearing. Shameful.

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Yea, it's ridiculous how much of a pass Discourseblog.com gives Donald Trump.

Most people are able to walk and chew gum, most people are able to play peekaboo without assuming the world disappears when our eyes are covered, and most people are able to be disgusted by Big Orange Cheeto Man and simultaneously recognize other people (even people on our 'own side') who are dogshit without 'giving Trump a pass'.

Good job caping for an old white famous multimillionaire bestselling author though. Eyes on the prize.

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You paid money to make this comment. Think about that.

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Nah they let randos comment. It's why all the quality content on the boards comes from substack eggs. I complained about it and one of the Jacks (Crosbie or Mirkinson can't remember who), said it was a deliberate choice to get the maximum engagement or some such.

Whatever it's their place. Doesn't mean it's not worth hounding these freeloading Blue MAGA nuts who think this is their Facebook Feed out of here. They're the ones who have fainting spells at inconsiderate language after all.

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Well, at least I can tell them to kindly fuck off, as is my right, as a paying customer to this here blog.

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Some people pay money to blast captive, tethered lions from elevated sedan chairs drawn by jeeps on 'Safari'.

I yell fuckwords at someone's Karen-haired, MSNBC-brained aunt who wandered in here from clicking a link she saw stalking her estranged neice's timeline.

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