Pandas Fucking Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Well folks, here we are. It finally happened. The thing we have all been waiting for: The pandas have decided to fuck.
Want to see them fuck? Simply scroll up a little bit to that picture you just passed. There they are. Going at it.
You know what? I'm going to embed the picture again. There's really no rules on this blog except general image copyrights but seeing as this picture is floating around as courtesy of the zoo where the pandas are fucking, I think we're good. It seems that Ocean Park in Hong Kong wants people to know that their pandas are fucking. Here's the pic again.

According to this tweet by Hong Kong-based journalist Richard Pyne, this is the first time Ying Ying and Le Le have fucked in 10 years. Damn. Ocean Park, which is more of a theme park than a zoo, is closed right now due to the pandemic and all, and it seems like maybe what the pandas needed in order to start feeling fucky was just some goddamn peace and quiet. Well, they got that now and look at them go.
Before today I didn't know Ying Ying and Le Le existed, but now I do, because they fucked. Imagine if things worked like that for you: You go years and years with nobody knowing your name, but then as soon as you fuck just one time, you're international news. Honestly, that'd be enough for me to not want to fuck either but I don't think the pandas really think about it like that. According to a Google search I just did there are 27 zoos in 21 countries that have giant pandas in captivity, and yet, them fucking is still such a rare thing it only seems to come up every few months. Pandas really want to go extinct, man.
On the bright side, Ocean Park says that real fucking, not that artificial insemination bullshit they have to do most of the time, has a higher chance of resulting in a pregnancy. Good for them. Hope they have a baby panda and that one day, it too gets to fuck.
Image: Ocean Park Hong Kong