"Never again!" can have two very different meanings. It can mean "Never again to ANYONE" or merely "Never again to US." Sadly, the current leadership of the ADL, like the current leadership of the Israeli government, has chosen the second meaning.
1. I've never seen the word "Obviously" do as much work as it did in Greenblatt's statement.
2. Noah Berlatsky had a great piece about how Martin Niemoller was actually kind of a Nazi asshole who only wrote that poem when his casual but (in his mind) harmless hatred of Jews came into opposition against Hitler's extermination fetish and desire to control the churches.
In other words, everyone involved in this, except Mahmoud Khalil, sucks.
I know they were always pretty bad, but didn't the ADL used to also do some okay stuff? It feels like Greenblatt specifically is associated with them becoming *solely* the guys who say Nazis are okay if they like Israel.
My understanding is that American citizens have also been deported as well as what is going on with Kalil with his green card. Thus, I find it interesting that we now have a situation where if you think improper thoughts, you can be deported. So, I guess that means that if I say, "Trump is a tacky scumbag and everyone that follows him unquestionably is unamerican," I can be on the next plane to...
Well, I'm not sure where Half of my family came through Ellis Island around 1910-1915 or so (more or less; it gets complicated in that Grandma was a party girl on Long Island in late 1939 and got pregnant from a German guy who died on his way to Grandma's hometown to get married, and a local from Sicily who came through Ellis Island ended up marrying her, so...?). The other half came over as indentured servants in the 1700s. I guess that means I will be deported to Ukraine? Italy? Wales? Ireland? How about Venezuela? That's cool though - I took three years of high school Spanish 40 years ago...
"Never again!" can have two very different meanings. It can mean "Never again to ANYONE" or merely "Never again to US." Sadly, the current leadership of the ADL, like the current leadership of the Israeli government, has chosen the second meaning.
1. I've never seen the word "Obviously" do as much work as it did in Greenblatt's statement.
2. Noah Berlatsky had a great piece about how Martin Niemoller was actually kind of a Nazi asshole who only wrote that poem when his casual but (in his mind) harmless hatred of Jews came into opposition against Hitler's extermination fetish and desire to control the churches.
In other words, everyone involved in this, except Mahmoud Khalil, sucks.
I know they were always pretty bad, but didn't the ADL used to also do some okay stuff? It feels like Greenblatt specifically is associated with them becoming *solely* the guys who say Nazis are okay if they like Israel.
yes, the author points that out in the article
Wow. I guess I never realized that "never again" had so many exceptions.
Abe Foxman wasn't a putz, was he?
My understanding is that American citizens have also been deported as well as what is going on with Kalil with his green card. Thus, I find it interesting that we now have a situation where if you think improper thoughts, you can be deported. So, I guess that means that if I say, "Trump is a tacky scumbag and everyone that follows him unquestionably is unamerican," I can be on the next plane to...
Well, I'm not sure where Half of my family came through Ellis Island around 1910-1915 or so (more or less; it gets complicated in that Grandma was a party girl on Long Island in late 1939 and got pregnant from a German guy who died on his way to Grandma's hometown to get married, and a local from Sicily who came through Ellis Island ended up marrying her, so...?). The other half came over as indentured servants in the 1700s. I guess that means I will be deported to Ukraine? Italy? Wales? Ireland? How about Venezuela? That's cool though - I took three years of high school Spanish 40 years ago...