"I bet that’s not the only eight-ball that was involved in this shitshow."

God damn, well played.

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And here I was focused on the fact that once again, the tech geniuses modeled their shit after something bad from a popular piece of media. The Torment Nexus is up there with Tungsten Arm O'Doyle in the pantheon of Tweets That Have Aged Like Fine Wine

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I had actually never seen that tweet until you made me look it up. You're right, it definitely rivals Tungsten Arm as rare examples of Good Tweeting.

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“we’re in for a much more mundane, painfully stupid outcome“

The American Way

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Two thoughts:

1. The retina scan is probably designed to be a surveillance technology, especially as "wearing masks" has defeated the powerful facial recognition technology.

2. Isn't CAPTCHA the free training for AI image recognition? Because there's nothing better than these bozos shooting their old scam in the foot with their new scam.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

I refuse to accept that I'm the first one who immediately associated Altman's company with "Cards for Humanity". Same end-point, if I don't miss my guess, too.

Blahblahblahohgodmyeyes!!!Ican'tsee!!!blahblabhlahacceptable lossesblahblahblahweliketobreak,well,blindthingsblahblahoh,wedeserveimmunityfromlawsuits;whichremindsme--howmuchmoneydidwegiveyourPAC?blahblahblahametaphorican'trememberaboutomlettesandeggsblahblah#So_Disruptiveblahblabh.

I mean, more or less..

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