They'll own POTUS, the POTUS and Congress. Get ready folks to hot the streets with your protest signs. I expect major blow back and major incidences the AR15 carrying proud boys. 4 years of hell.

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If you anticipate a lot of Proud Boys with AR-15s posing a risk to your safety, you should probably get one of your own, and learn to use it.

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That thought has repeatedly crossed my mind since 2016...

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You sound really concerned.

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I also live in NC and I am pretty terrified at the prospect of a personified facebook comment section (almost literally) being elected governor.

What gives me hope, at least for our state? First, Stein has delivered actual, tangible results for the people of NC, including tackling the rape kit backlog and securing opioid settlement money. Second, his campaign was on the offensive pretty early. Third, Robinson's national profile seems to be largely negative, and it doesn't seem that any positive stories come out about him. And fourth, the person running against Dan Bishop is Jeff Jackson, who has managed to garner a following across the partisan/ideological spectrum during his term in congress.

So...I really hope all of that matters regardless of who's on the top of the ticket. I guess we'll see.

Also fuck Tricia Cotham and her charter school backers. It's hard to imagine a more transparent case of corruption than how badly she sold out her constituents.

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It's not feasible to insert another candidate and expect to even get close to winning with just 4 months to prepare. Furthermore, the war chest amassed for Biden/Harris cannot be used for any other candidate and even if Biden dropped out and Harris continued, there would surely by lawsuits filed regarding the use of the funds registered in the name of Biden/Harris, not solely Harris. What people seem to be ignoring is the fact that a good/effective leader is ALWAYS surrounded by a stellar TEAM along with decades of experience behind them. That team is what Democrats (and likeminded others) need to keep in mind. Would we prefer a team of Christian Nationalists and Fascists behind a sell out con man in the oval office? or an aging but experienced President with a team that has been getting work done and will continue to do so. I'm going to stand behind Biden/Harris because the alternative is much more dangerous.

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Do you understand that normie voters don't give a shit about any of this? They know that politics, as it functions in the modern United States, has no real power to improve their lives, but because they like to keep participating in the forms of democracy, they go out and vote. But they're not gonna vote for someone's "team." They don't give a shit who he surrounds himself with when nothing he does makes their lives any better, and when he seems actively scornful of the very idea that he should make their lives better. They're just gonna vote for who seems like a "strong leader." All they have to vote on is vibes, and the Biden vibes are fucked. There is no rational case you can make to them, because there is no rational case you can make for politics itself.

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I really do not know what to say about the USA any more.

Except that you seem to be the most ridiculous people on the planet. YOU will do NOTHING to stop this ridiculous charade.

STOP paying your taxes "en masse." or don't vote/or vote for 3rd party.

But you are a bunch of 'lilly-livered' people who can do Nothing to save the world.

I notice how you have not had any discussion about the French elections.

I have lived here for 23yrs and every time we have Le Pen up for President we have defied her. Le Pen is a facist the same as your Govt.

How come the US people are so deficient?

Education is the key.

IF you ALL do not pay your taxes how many people can be imprisoned.........are there enough prisons?

You are heading for a Civil War which will be much worse than not paying your taxes to keep corrupt leaders in power.

I am not interested in your 'facile' comments of "what can we do?"

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I concede that the French people are much better about smashing shit up when they're angry, and we Americans should learn from that. But don't get too high and mighty until you can actually manage to put a left-wing government in power for a sustained period of time. Don't think we didn't notice that only half of French liberals voted for the leftists and 20% voted for the far right in the second round, even as 70% of leftists voted for the liberals and functionally zero percent voted for the far right. And the far right got the most raw votes in that first round. You are not much better than us, you just have a more organized--yet only marginally more effective--left movement. You still live in Macron's nightmare of austerity, and you expect praise because you didn't let someone even worse take some of his power.

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It's not hubris; it's called being the winner of a very long selection process involving millions of voters over months and months, thousands of state election workers, and money contri9buted from millions of people. So a couple of media wannabes, or has-beens in the case of the NYT, get an idea it should be someone else?? That's called stealing an election, remember that?

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Yes I do, in particular when SCOTUS overturned a free and fair election in 2000. They will do it again. Biden should issue an EO immediately to expand SCOTUS. He won't because he doesn't want to "pack" the court.

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Scapegoating USA.

You voted time and time again for these morons!

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What is EO?

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Executive Order

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There was no real primary process and you know that. Look man, is it important to beat Trump or not? Either it's important to beat Donald Trump or it's important for Joe Biden to stay in the race, but it can't be both.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Beating Trump this November can only be done by Joe. He's the only party nominee and the only one who can and will defeat Tump. That's the whole point

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You can't possibly believe that. You can't possibly listen to him speak and think "Yeah that's someone the whole country will vote for."

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I do believe it and it's not clear that anyone else can be substituted for him so that there would be a Democrat lic ballot in every State and county. It will be massive chaos and hundreds of not thousands of law suits. That is if a single successor could even be found by election day. And why? Biden is the best vote getter.

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When the "selection process" involves a back-bench anonymous House rep and a wellness kook as the main opponents to the frontrunner, it wasn't a real selection process.

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Of course not BUT you guys keep doing the same thing over and over again!

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HaHa You're funny. It wasn't real? So the states just went through the motions and spent taxpayer money for a joke? It was an open process. If someone serious wanted to run, they could have had at it. The thing is the base across a wide spectrum is fine with Joe. Yea, sometimes he's your crazy uncle or grandpa, sometimes his policy choices on specific topics are infuriating, but we like him, we know what he's doing and WE CHOSE HIM. So don't steal it just because you weren't paying attention.

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Yes, the states spend government money (taxpayer money doesn't exist and is a right-wing rhetorical formulation designed to manipulate you into opposing government spending) on jokes all the time. Mississippi gave a bunch of money to Brett Favre for literally nothing. You might have heard about it, it was a real big story. State-level corruption and graft are quite common, and you think state governments wouldn't spend money on something that is a total joke?

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"So the states just went through the motions and spent taxpayer money for a joke?"

Yep, pretty much!

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And, despite that joke, a significant proportion of us very much did NOT want Joe, because genocide support was a bridge too far for us.

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I hold that against Joe also. Bernie didn't run this time. Joe won. The alternative is Holocaust Trump. You down with that? There can be no legitimate winning alternative to Joe in the time left. No money, no ground game, no campaign apparatus, it's over if you replace Joe.

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You know he has a vice president, right?

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Look I'll vote for a moldy turnip before I vote for trump. If said turnip is biden, fine. So no, I'm not down with another 4 years of trump. And, frankly, that line of criticism is so fucking boring - we realize the threat of trump! That's why we want biden to be better or get the fuck out of the way!

Regardless, the fact is that the DNC basically squashed any chance of a serious primary challenge to ol Joe, and with it any chance of establishing a ground game, a campaign apparatus and a money supply.

Also, god love him, but Bernie is too old as well. Also I think his sitting out this time was a strategic choice - he didn't want to go up against an incumbent, which makes sense.

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What selection process? I don't recall voting for Genocide Joe to run for President in 2024

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STOP paying your taxes. You know they are going to the military which is killing people every day!

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We actually don't have a choice on that. Our taxes are paid automatically as withholding from our paychecks. It's a nice thought, but impossible.

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STOP it. Your Banks are owned by your Govt. and AIPAC.

IF I don't want to pay my taxes I don't go to my bank!

When your bank is broke because of BRICS you will have no say in the matter.

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