Gannets! They hover above the water, waiting, and then dive bomb into the water like the badass motherfuckers that they are and "fly" underneath as a flock to get all the fishies. Here, look for yourself:


Fuckin punk rock. Gannets rule.

Bonus: they're related to boobies (https://www.britannica.com/animal/gannet). Heh.

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They are so great. I mean, Ada Limon, the current Poet Laureate of the US, wrote a poem about them:


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Was looking up the phrase "catbird seat" the other day and ended up in a Grey Catbird research spiral.

The hits:

It meows like a cat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FckCjy_j1vQ

It's a prolific mimic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRgvpjcSNcM

Side note: You should run a bird of the year(s) bracket for everyone. My vote is going to the Kea, but they're all winners!

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Also: it is wearing a little hat

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Thank you for these incredible suggestions!!!!

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Belted kingfishers! They're the rare bird where the female is more colorful and interesting than the male, who doesn't even have a belt. They dive for fish and small reptiles and mammals and they make a freaky rattling noise when they fly around, and allegedly a group of them is called a kerfuffle but that sounds made up to me. There are a lot of kingfishers around the world, most of them flashier and more glamorous than the belted (kookaburras are kingfishers!) but this is the one I see so it's the one I love.

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The Common Loon has long been and shall long remain my favorite bird.

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Cedar waxwing, please.

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Hell, yeah. Look at that aquatic king.

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It's time to celebrate the American Crow! Just a perfect bird.

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Scissor-tailed flycatcher!

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The honeyguide bird!!

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Red breasted woodpecker

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