There are few things Democratic leadership seems to love doing more these days than making grand gestures of comity to a wholly nonexistent wing of the Republican party. On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer decided to give it another shot.

Schumer’s Pelosi-esque attempt to draw a distinction between the “MAGA wing” of the GOP, and this fantasy of reasonable, abortion-loving, non-racist, non-fascist Republicans comes just days after President Joe Biden debuted the deeply focus-grouped term “Ultra-MAGA,” calling it “extreme, as most MAGA things are.” Like Schumer, Biden seems to be trying to create space for this imaginary breed of non-MAGA republicans to…well, I don’t know exactly? Have some false sense of dignity when they inevitably vote for the most extreme right wing agenda imaginable anyway?
Why do high profile Dems love doing this? Is it that the party bigwigs all reached for the same piece of pizza and bonked their silvery noggins in unison? Did they eat that moldy bread that made the pilgrims trip balls and think their wives were having midnight orgies with Satan? Perhaps most neurologically punishing of all, have they all been reading Thomas Friedman’s latest bout of verbal diarrhea?
Politics is first and foremost an exercise in seeing and understanding the world as it exists — warts and all — in order to affect positive change. If Democratic leadership can’t even grasp the fact that they are in a fight against a wholly authoritarian movement that has purged all dissent or moderation, then they’ve failed in that most basic political prerequisite. These kumbaya appeals only serve as a tacit admission that the Democratic party is bereft of any real alternative to the fascism it faces. Rather than say “well, here’s what WE stand for, and how we plan to give it to you,” the Democrats in charge have opted to say “why don’t THEY change, so we don’t have to.”
Is this really all they’ve got? If so, I think we can all see where this is going — and how it’s going to end.
And they wonder why Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Summer Lee, Andrea Salinas, Charles Booker, and John Fetterman won their primaries.
"Is this all the democrats have got?"