Corporate media always wants to frame the anti-genocide protests and sentiments as "from the party's left" - I don't think that's an accurate way to handle this issue.

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“The left” (whatever that means in a given instance) is the Democratic party’s actual enemy. The grandees know it, their friends in the media know it, their wonks know it, their supporters and most importantly their funders know it. I see the framing as a signal to everyone in the circle about who they plan to fight. Where the calls to end genocide actually come from is not crucial—the fact that it can be used as another excuse to punch left, is.

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The Democratic party has repeatedly proven it prefers punching to the left rather than to the right.

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Given that Nancy Pelosi has joined the chorus of voices calling for an arms embargo, there is no way anyone can legitimately say it’s only “the left” calling for the genocide to end.

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I’ve got to get down there!

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So why aren’t you asking Hamas to end the so-called “genocide”? It’s their call, and based off of the suicide bombing in Tel Aviv over the weekend (which Hamas took credit for) and the recovery of six dead Israeli hostages in tunnels under an alleged humanitarian aid center, they have no intention of ending the violence they started since its founding in the 80’s. I don’t want to hear any more excuses about so-called “open-air prisons” causing a so-called uprising that just so happened to cause Israeli babies being beheaded and men and women alike being raped and genitally mutilated. There are only two ways for this war to end: either Hamas unconditionally surrenders, or the IDF eliminates every last one of these Hamas terrorists. It’s as simple as that.

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