The pelosi email, coupled with the singing, followed by Brandon telling us we just gotta vote. Gd man, what’s the fucking point.

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It’s almost just as impossible to even start the discussion of “Democratic party leadership is objectively terrible and seems allergic to even efforts to exercise power for the good of the country”

Without being yelled at for being a Bernie Bro or RESPONSIBLE FOR CLINTONS FAILURE (am really not I’m just tired of watching Democrats objectively suck as a political party for all 43 years of my life)

It’s not going to get better short of a ground up rebuild, which is literally the only thing they will make an effort to prevent happening (See Henry Cueller)

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Anyone get the impression we'd all better off if we split the U.S. up into like 7-10 different countries and had a Euro-style federation? That way we could keep the dollar and the free trade thing, but, like, Texas, California, Michigan, and North Carolina wouldn't have to live with each other as they all seem to hate doing.

I mean, Maryland has about as much in common with Arizona as England has with Mexico (namely, perennially underachieving football teams, and that's about it). There's no reason decisions about my personal, professional, and economic rights and responsibilities should be made by someone with a completely different electorate, in a different part of the world, with a different history and heritage. And, sure, Russia and China would LOVE to see the end of the American Experiment, but I would argue that they're not much better off, what with having to do autocracy to keep it all together.

Just, y'know, let us try it without someone 6,500 miles away telling us No.

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To try my best not to repeat some of the points that the commentariat and Katherine has said, I’d hope that any pro-abortion state (how hard is it to say pro-abortion anyways?! What a bunch of cowards!) if they’re smart, should immediately codify abortion and tell SCOTUS to go fuck itself. These next couple weeks are really going to be a make or break moment for these states and the politicians who claim to care about this so much.

Oh and fuck the liberals and Democrats, you had 50 years to codify it and you failed. Don’t be mad at me that reality doesn’t fit your narrative.

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too medicated to be angry atm, not ready to face how angry i will be just yet. my mom was just old enough her parents couldn't stop her from demonstrate for Roe; she's fucking devastated today. we've been working on radicalizing her for a while now, hoping this will do it.

just — how does someone hold so much hate, disdain, disgust for so many people in their hearts and still function as a human being? if i hated so many people, i think i'd explode.

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watching this train wreck approach hasn't made impact any less painful

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A country with a functioning government would immediately enact legislation to codify abortion access at the federal level and then immediately impeach the justices that lied under oath about Roe being "settled law", but this is not a country with a functional government.

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I vote progressive not party.

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“All mankind… would behave better, if the good were not as cowardly as the bad are audacious.”

— Fanny Burney

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