I understand why kingfishers are getting crushed, peregrine falcons are incredible, but consider: kingfishers have teeny little feetsies and big beaks so they can burrow pretty deep into a river bank and not get stuck in there, think about how cute that is

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gotta get out the vote for your faves!

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I respect this argument, but had to vote for peregrine falcons because the dumb 10-year-old in me still equates fastest animal alive with some cool ass shit.

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Fully understandable! Peregrine falcons are indeed some cool ass shit!

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The Falcons are going to be hard to unseat. I predict an all-raptor final.

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Can you imagine you're at your wedding and you're wearing the most beautiful dress....and then ONE PAINTED BUNTING SHOWS UP? Upstaged by burd. Everyone would talk about the burd, and not your dress.

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A grackle cut my brake lines once, fuck grackles

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Owl gang rise upppppp

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Fuck everyone who doesn’t respect the brown pelican!!!

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Somebody already called it, but the burrowing owl wins this in a runaway.

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Antarctic shags are cool and all, but they cannot outdo the mischievous menace of los diablos del aire. Go grackle!

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