The Trump years killed MSNBC for me. There's only so much righteous indignation leading nowhere I could take before just switching to videos of puppies or old US Women's National Soccer Team highlights.

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Levitating, I think not. Cautiously, maybe, mildly optimistic. Or not.

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I'd be more scared if he weren't so goddamn old and so far into sundowning. He's like my old man at this point: an old asshole in poor health with unworkable convictions and nothing good to say, aside from the occasional funny remark, who's a bummer to be around and watches 12 hours of TV a day. For all the constant concern, he doesn't have the juice anymore.

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We're totally doomed. The US is politically unstable and totally dysfunctional. Just the frequency of mass shootings alone proves it. And Moody's and Fitch ratings agree!

My elderly parents started 2017 glued to MSNBC at full volume, waiting, longing for the glorious day that Trump would be indicted and taken away to a holding cell. Every weeknight, a breathless Rachel Maddow, a fellow Gen-exer born in '73, would sell them false hope that Trump would be dealt with soon. More than 6 years later, my mom suffers from Alzheimer's, sitting on the same sofa, asking my dad endless questions about who is talking on the telly or what teams are on the field. She doesn't remember me. But she still remembers Trump. I hate MSNBC. And boy, do I hate my former neighbor from Queens.

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