Man, can you imagine if the US had a political party that campaigned on being anti-genocide?

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This seems like a stretch I'd expect from like the NY Times, not this blog.

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Yeah, 5 seats out of over 400 is nice, but not a decisive thrashing or anything. Probably the best outcome of this isn't the pro-Gaza voice becoming loud rather than insistently nagging, but the right-wing media showing its collective ass. I mean, imagine being Sam Ashworth-Hayes, looking in the mirror in the morning, and seeing Sam Ashworth-Hayes staring back at you. God, what a desolate existence.

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"Most infamously, he proclaimed in October that Israel has the right to withhold power and water from the people of Gaza."

Not to be the wet blanket here, but you left out a key word: "free", as in "free water and power". Israel's under no obligation to let a bunch of freeloaders take free water and power except for a moral obligation. And when you pay back that act of kindness by, I don't know, beheading babies and raping women, I think it's perfectly reasonable to punish those who support that kind of behavior with calling in their tab after years of freeloading off of the good intentions of the Israeli people.

In other words, as the wise poet Shawn Carter once said in the song "Justify My Thug": "If you shoot my dog, I'ma kill your cat." An eye for an eye, indeed.

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Starmer’s Labour is basically just Blairism 2.0 but more racist. It’s an unadulterated good that the criminal tories are out of power, but this Labour Party is, imho, merely a difference of degrees and not in kind. Was also extremely troubling to see how well Reform did. Jezza holding on is such a light in the tunnel.

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It is pretty disheartening that farage won election for the first time ever this cycle. Also that Labour seems to be following the Democratic playbook.

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