It is indeed hell. With our without Trump. With or without Biden. This is where we'll be long after both of those men are gone. Watch for IUDs to be banned next. And our response tells me we are in insane times. We don't even get mad anymore. No marches. No outcry. We're just all slowly giving-up together.

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Democracy has always been an experiment.

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Democracy is all we have though. It's got it's FailWhales, but it's the best thing we have right now. Isn't that worth something at least to fight for?

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Not anymore

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What do you think we should be doing instead?

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Man, I don't even get it anymore. Like, what was so wrong with IVF? Doesn't it result in more life? Don't conservatives want more people having children and being in families? Aren't conservatives bemoaning the falling birth rate in this country? Was there literally NO OTHER WAY for the Alabama state courts to resolve a very unfortunate situation without banning the entire practice?

I have no clue about how to make this make sense.

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The ruling makes perfect sense when you consider the ultimate goal of the pro-birth movement: fetal personhood.

This case was just a convenient vehicle to get the belief that life begins at conception in front of a sympathetic court.

Most of these folks don't oppose IVF in principle. They just don't want the "wrong" people (i.e. same sex couples) to have access to it.

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Thanks as always for the great posts! This erosion of political and legal norms has been going on for decades now, but it's definitely speeding up now with the marriage of the Trump personality cult with evangelicals and white supremacists. The fall of the American Republic (were we ever truly a democracy?) may be closer than we think. And soon to follow environmental and economic disasters and collapse, sped up by these autocratic religious zealots, may only strengthen their hand on power, unfortunately.

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"The enemy intends to debilitate, devalue, dehumanize, maim, and kill us.": Having been raised by such people (more specifically, fundamentalist christianists), I've known this for most of my life, but I rarely hear anyone else acknowledge it. My impression is that most nice, liberal-ish Americans still don't understand what they're up against. That's why, unlike some observers, I don't expect another American civil war. It would require a sizable number of decent people to be willing and able to fight back against the fascists, and I see little evidence of that.

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Showing my age and nationality, but I do recommend a listen to Song for Insane Times, by the very splendid Kevin Ayers. Look it and him up if you must.

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Expand the court. Voting is critical because it is the only way to take back the house as we hold on to the Senate and presidency. Only then can we expand the court.

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BREAKING: Charlie Brown to kick football this time

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I have been trying to make this make sense since I read the news article about this, and I just can't understand the justification for this ruling over IVF. If conception has to happen via IVF, what's wrong with that? Why break up families over this? IVF is as important as abortion and conception. It's part of a progressive society's healthcare offering to its citizens. The stat was 2% of babies were born via IVF, those people can't concieve for whatever reason and need help from science. Scientific advancement is to make people's lives better. The people that I know who have done IVF, they have been wanting children for a very long time and have been trying just as long. It makes me so sad :(

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It's pretty straightforward: As someone says above it's another step on the right's march towards the goal of full legal personhood for fetuses. The reason they don't like IVF is because they hold the insane view that the embryos are already people and the ones that don't "implant" die and that's equivalent to murdering a baby. It's a totally crazy view but it's what they think

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