my favorite argument against constitutional originalism is that if you told george washington about any of this shit, he would just immediately shoot you with a gun

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Time to rise and slurp, let's get this juice.

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The moronic self confidence of the online NFT people is truly a sight to behold

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Legitimately mad that I read that tweet. How dare you.

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It's just tremendous what we're doing with our bored apes now isn't it? We're hearing more and more about apes and slurp juice and making more and we might seriously look into it...

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I stg I thought this had to be parody when I first saw this tweet and nearly had a stroke when I realized it wasn’t. Assuming records from this period of history survive, and assuming future generations actually exist to read them, they will (rightfully) judge us harshly.

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Say what you will about America but we are parting a fool and their money with peak efficiency.

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The problem is the average wealth and class of the fool and the person doing the parting.

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John Oliver is so close here (to be fair he’s a Brit and not a loan officer), but ya know this bit is about past systemic racism not the present:

“That is grim,” Oliver said. “That you can live 15 fewer years depending on your zip code is the worst zip code news since the time they added those four bullshit digits at the end. I don’t know what those are and I am never going to learn them.”

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