Of course things are still terrible and Joe Biden sucks and the next four years are going to suck, but good LORD is this fun right now.
Look at this stupid dumb idiot:
Look at this stupid dumb statement:

Trump is on a golf course and has released a statement claiming race isn’t over. He says, “Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated.”
Note: Joe Biden is the president-elect.

Yeah good luck with that buddy! ALSO HE WAS PLAYING GOLF WHEN HE FOUND OUT LMAO.
Look at these celebrations! My block went nuts when the news broke: clapping, cheering, honking, pots and pans, everyone was so overjoyed. My block was not alone:

Celebrations are breaking out in the streets here in Washington DC. People are honking horns, screaming, clapping at the news Trump has lost.
Chef's kiss. Our joy will be short-lived, and this is only the end of the beginning, but still, but still, but still.
Update, 12:41 p.m. ET: Beautiful, just beautiful.