Welcome back to Bird of the Week, where we talk about a cool bird every week. This week's cool bird is, in my opinion, a very, very cool bird.
Your Bird of the Week: the Brazilian tanager.

First things first: LOOK AT THIS BIRD. The colors are incredible. That vibrant red, the rich black, the little white stripe....unreal. Nature made this thing, another big win for evolution.
Also a bird that is this red and black automatically has good politics. My new name for this bird is the Antifa Bird. We should start a petition to get the bird added to the antifa logo.
Some facts about the Brazilian tanager: it hangs around Brazil and a bit of Argentina, it is omnivorous, and it is aggressive about getting its food. A Brazilian tanager will fight you!
Let's do some more pics:

A bit haughty there.

Someone in the comments underneath this picture on Flickr wrote, "Really a WOW shot Francesco!" and I can only agree.
OK, that's it for Bird of the Week! Tune in next time to see what bird we will tackle next.
A reminder: you can check out our complete Bird of the Week list here, and get in touch with your bird suggestions at hello@discourseblog.com.